Code Of Conduct

Code of Conduct

  • 1. All cadets/trainees are bound to comply with and abide by the existing Campus Rules and Regulations.
  • 2. Attendance by the cadet/trainee at all musters, morning PT, Flag hoisting and march past, academic activities in the classrooms and workshops, laboratories, and at sports is mandatory. Any attendance falling short of 90% may result in the cadet/trainee not being allowed to attend the examination at the semester end. However, at the discretion of the management, those who lose attendance will need to stay back on campus to make up for the requisite number of days he/she falls short in attendance. Defaulters are also liable to be subject to disciplinary action.
  • 3. All cadets/trainees, who are indisposed due to illness, must report to the Cadet Instructor and/or the attending nurse and subsequently be examined by the visiting doctor, who will be arranged from the approved hospital close to campus.
  • 4. All details of illness and treatment as an outpatient or under hospitalization must be recorded in the Infirmary Medical Log.
  • 5. There will be provision for the cadets/trainees to undergo self-study every evening when daily lessons must be reviewed as well as assignments completed on time.
  • 6. Assessment of academic performance of the cadet/trainee shall be carried out through periodic tests. All details shall be recorded in this diary.
  • 7. Cadets/Trainees are encouraged to make use of the library from where they may access electronic as well as printed study material. All books must be returned within the stipulated period. Defaulters will be penalized.
  • 8. Leave will not be granted for attending family gatherings or festivals, or for meeting friends and other such frivolous activities.
  • 9. English is the only official language recognized for all purposes on campus.
  • 10. Initially, the Institute will supply the cadet/trainee with fixed amount of stationery. All subsequent required stationery must be procured by the cadet/trainee.
  • 11. The cadet is covered under a group accident insurance. Parents will be informed immediately in case any hospitalization is required. The cadet/trainee may be allowed to proceed home for medical treatment and must be accompanied by the parent or authorized local guardian.
  • 12. Do not keep large amounts of cash or valuables in your room. The Institute is not responsible for any loss/theft of any personal belongings from your dormitory. It is strongly advised to deposit your valuables with the Cadet Director.
  • 13. Parents/Guests of Cadets/Trainees are permitted to visit only between 7 am to 6 pm on Sundays and holidays after obtaining prior approval. Visit will be restricted to only Dining Hall/Lounge Block. However, parents wanting to meet the Commandant or Course in-charge could do so with prior appointment, if necessary.
  • 14. Firearms/Weapons/Illegal Drugs: No firearms/weapons/illegal drugs, including jerk knives, are allowed on campus. Any cadet/trainee found with any of these items shall be expelled with immediate effect.
  • 15. Smoking cigarettes or use of any addictive intoxicants is not allowed anywhere on any part of the LMTI campus.
  • 16. Gambling and betting activities of any kind are not allowed at the LMTI. Any cadet/trainee found indulging in such act on the premises of the institution shall be suspended for two weeks for the first time and shall be expelled and prosecuted for the second offence.
  • 17. Theft and burglary are unlawful acts under the law, therefore, any cadet/trainee caught and found guilty of taking another cadet/trainee’s personal effects or breaking into his/her assigned or personal lockers shall be automatically expelled and prosecuted as per the national laws.
  • 18. Any cadet/trainee caught and found guilty of taking any equipment, furniture or appliances that belong to the institution shall be expelled and prosecuted accordingly.
  • 19. All cadets/trainees will have scheduled laundry service. All cadets/trainees are expected to sort out (including by color) and send their dirty clothes to the laundry. Cadets/Trainees will also take charge of picking up their clean clothes and pressing their clothes themselves.
  • 20. Dress Code/Uniform requirement: The LMTI is a professional institution that attaches great value to the physical appearance and moral outlook of the cadets/trainees that enter its door as they will serve as ambassadors in the maritime environment. Cadets/Trainees are to wear the uniform (to be prescribed by the Administration) at all times during their tenure at LMTI. Exceptions on Saturday /Sunday or a holiday will be at the discretion of the Cadet Instructor.
  • 21. Cadets/Trainees will be issued identification (ID) cards. ID cards are to be carried/worn at all times.
  • 22. Safety first! Immediately report any suspicious person(s), acts, fire, smoke, danger to the nearest security officer and Cadet Instructor/Staff within reach. Always move around in pairs (2 persons). Authorized sign-in and sign-out of campus are required. Staff quarters are off limits. You must obtain a written pass to enter staff quarters and or leave campus.
  • 23. LMTI covers all cadets/trainees with necessary health care during their tenure. Should any cadet/trainee be in need of health services, they must first go to the Cadet Instructor, who will give them a referral to the campus infirmary for assessment and initial treatment. If deemed more serious, the resident Registered Nurse (RN) will determine what the next steps in the care regimen should be.

For the full set of Rules and Regulations for Cadets/Trainees in campus, please refer to the Cadets’/Trainees Handbook.

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